Monday, August 14, 2017

Passive Income From YouTube Adsense On Complete Autopilot - Some Preliminaries [Stage 2]

By Admin Unknown  |  August 14, 2017

Some Preliminaries

In order to get a YouTube account you will need a Gmail account. The two are linked together. You will also need to sign up to Google Adsense. This is the program by which you will be paid. Don’t worry it won’t cost you anything to sign up.

Once you have your YouTube account and are signed up to Adsense you need to log into your YouTube account. In the settings option you need to turn on monetization. This tells YouTube that you want adverts to be placed on your videos and allows you to earn from Adsense.

After you create your video you will upload it to YouTube. Once it is approved for monetization, YouTube will place adverts at the start of or near the video.
Once you have associated an AdSense account with your YouTube account, you will be able earn revenue that has been generated from the adverts placed on the video.

Read Also :
Passive Income From YouTube Adsense On Complete Autopilot - Equipment [Stage 3]

» Thanks for reading: Passive Income From YouTube Adsense On Complete Autopilot - Some Preliminaries [Stage 2]
Anonymous Author: Unknown

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