Getting Google Adsense Approval Quickly Now a Days is very tough. If you are looking to get Google Adsense Approval then read this post, because it's just like a piece of cake you will love it if you get it and even after getting a piece of Cake their is lot more to do to make money out of it.
What will you learn after reading full post :-
- How to Get Google Adsense Approval Easily and Quickly
- Types of Niche which work best with Adsense
- How to Make More Out of Google Adsense
But Before that
Read Little bit about my experience with Google Adsense
Read Little bit about my experience with Google Adsense
This Remind me of my Old days when i have my got my 1st Adsense Account approval and i was feeling amazing because that time i know getting adsense is everything but when i used this i had earned nothing out of it. Even i got my Google adsense account banned for 4 times.
I was depressed that time but still again i applied for Adsense and again got approved by following the steps i mentioned in this post.
Even after having Adsense from 2 months i had still not made not more than $11 with Blogging niche. Those who are blogging on this niche know very well. But with Event niche it helped me to make more than $950.
Now came Back to the Point.
How to Get Google Adsense Approval Quickly
In old days blog which are older than 6 months get Google Adsense approval easily but that was only a myth, one need to work hard before applying for Adsense. Now your Question will be What are the Steps to Get Adsense Approval ?
How to Get Google Adsense Approval Quickly
In old days blog which are older than 6 months get Google Adsense approval easily but that was only a myth, one need to work hard before applying for Adsense. Now your Question will be What are the Steps to Get Adsense Approval ?
Must Required Things In your Blog To Get Approval are :-
- Quality Content
- Some Essential Pages
- Good Navigation
- Not to Use any Others Ads
- Drive US traffic
1. Quality Content
Google Decline your adsense approval saying " You Have Insufficient Content on your Blog", it doesn't mean that you have very less content i got my Adsense approval with 10 post only But actually it means that your content are of Low Quality.
- Write Long Post of Minimum 500 words
- Use Your Keywords in Post Title , Headings, Labels, Top Paragraph
- Keep Keyword Density around 2-3
- Use Images with ALT Tags
2. Essential Pages
There are 3 essential pages you should not ignore before applying for adsense :-- About
- Contact Us
- Privacy Policy
- Disclaimer
- Terms and Conditions
1. About Page
Audience are always curious to know who you are . Google doesn't mind so much if you add this page or not but you should add this page as it will help you add some more quality content. Why i said "Quality Content" here because you know who you are so you can write your best about you.
Audience are always curious to know who you are . Google doesn't mind so much if you add this page or not but you should add this page as it will help you add some more quality content. Why i said "Quality Content" here because you know who you are so you can write your best about you.
2. Contact Us Page
Normally a contact Us Page should be very small as your readers just want to contact you, so they will not want something extra ordinary there.But as you are going to apply for Google Adsense you should add extra content like Alternative way of contact, How will you reply and When, Why they should contact you etc.
Contact Form
This will also help you add some more content around 100 words
3. Privacy Policy Page
Google Loves it if you have privacy policy page in your blog, It generate trust among your readers as well as Google. So do add a privacy policy page.
To create Privacy policy page >> Search for "Privacy Policy Generator" >> Add your URL and Email address >> Copy the generated post and paste it on your Privacy policy page.
3. Good Navigation
Get a Nice Theme with less Loading time and good navigation so that your Blog readers get maximum exposure. You can do this by adding some widgets like
- Popular post
- Recent post
- Top Commentors
- Facebook Page like box etc
But don't forget you should also improve your blog loading time.
4. Deactivate other Ads
Google Don't want competition so you can say they are jealous of other advertising networks. If you had already installed any other JavaScript of other ad networks like Chitika , or else then remove those 1st so that next your Google Adsense application won't be disapproved.
And Remove all the Pop ups if you have any for Email Subscriptions or Facebook Fan page like etc.
5. Drive US Traffic
I know in every post you will find traffic is the mainly concern to get Google Adsense Approval but what i say is drive targeted traffic will help you lot. If you can't able to drive US traffic from Search Engine then Try to get it from Social Media like Google Plus, Facebook , Twitter and Reddit.
Types of Niche with which Google Adsense Work Best
Types of Niche with which Google Adsense Work Best
- Niche Related to Health :- High CPC
- Tech Niche :- High CPC and CPM
- Law Niche :- High CPC and CPM
- Education Niche :- Low CPC but High CTR
- Dating Niche :- Low CPC but High CTR
- Niche Related to Funny Pics :- Moderate CPC and High CTR
How To Make More Out of Google Adsense
Now those who already have Google Adsense are struggling to make More money out of it but only some are getting it and remaining are not even making money.
Now Increase Adsense Income :-
- Place Your Ads above the Fold
- Use High CPC and CPM keywords
- Place this Ads near those keywords
- And Use Google DFP to make More out of it
» Thanks for reading: How to Get Google Adsense Approval in 5 Steps